
Contact Information

Sarah Schaefer, EPA Director
Email: Sarah.Schaefer@qvir-nsn.gov
14424 Quartz Valley Road
Fort Jones, CA  96032

Environmental Department

To addresses environmental issues that are a threat to human health or safety, essential to the development to a sound Environmental Program, or a means to enhance the quality of life for Quartz Valley Indian Reservation and its Community.  

While on earth we must practice stewardship, protection, and enhancement of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil that supports us, and the lives we cherish. It is our duty to protect and enhance these resources for the continued prosperity of the Quartz Valley Indian Tribe and our fellow brothers and sisters we share this earth with.

Our Goals

•To protect the health and well-being of Tribal People
•To protect and restore the natural environment for current and future generations
•To respond to environmental emergencies
•To serve as a community resource
•To promote the cooperation and coordination between local and federal agencies and Quartz Valley Indian Reservation



– The General Assistance Program Grant from the US EPA
– Clean Water 106 & 319 from US EPA
– Baseline Watershed Assessment from the BIA
– Water Rights Litigation and Negotiation from the BIA
– Environmental Justice from the CAL EPA
– Hazardous Fuels Reduction
– Wildland and Urban Interface Program from the BIA
– Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant from DOE
– Drought Relief Stimulus from BOR
– Salmon Surveys from the USFWS
– USFS Fecal Indicator Bacteria Monitoring
– BIA Community Fire Protection
– USFWS Klamath Basin Tribal Youth Employment Program